Vincent Panella
The First Glass
Here you will find my observations on life, art, family and friends. A few entries are posted here.
What made me go to Texas?
What made me go to Texas? Last spring the news filtered in that a U.S. Rep from El Paso named Robert Francis O'Rourke, nicknamed Beto, (Bet-oh) was challenging Ted Cruz for a senate seat held by Republicans since the early nineties. Cruz was considered a...
The house still stands, wrecked, silent, blackened and charred. Once the flames were extinguished an excavator ripped off part of the roof and flattened walls on the second floor to expose enough of the house so that the last ember could be put out. Now the second...
For the Birds
My grandma believed that birds were the souls of the dead. She would throw out bread soaked in water for the sparrows, grackles and stray pigeons from the nearby coops. She also believed in olive oil as a universal cure and that certain people possessed...
Who Art In
He was born in 1916 in a dirt road town off the Appian Way. His mother died in the Spanish Flu pandemic soon after. He came here at seven, grew up in Hell’s Kitchen, quit school at sixteen - it was the depression - worked at who knows what, became a city fireman, then...

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